Accident Claims Leicester
Accident Claims Leicester have an expert group of accident claims experts who serve Leicester and the whole Leicestershire area. We are ready now to discuss your personal injury. We don’t talk in complicated legal jargon, just offer solid guidance during the claims process. A formula that’s led to a decade’s worth of experience in winning compensation claims.
As one of the leading personal injury claims firms in the area, we are expertly placed to offer you accident claims guidance. If you have been injured in an accident in Leicester, and it was not your fault, then call us today to start your claim for personal injury compensation.
No Win, No Fee on all Accident Claims in Leicester
Our personal injury lawyers ** all work on a no win, no fee * agreement. This means you don’t need to worry about paying any upfront legal fees. Our solicitors ** will only get paid upon the successful completion of your injury claim.
How to Make an Accident Claim in Leicester
Working with our team is very easy and straight forward. We won’t baffle you with ‘legal speak’. All you need to do is phone our number to speak to one of our claims specialists. They will take details of your accident and ask you some basic questions.
If they then feel that there is a personal injury case to answer, you will be assigned a solicitor **. They will process the claim for you, contact all the relevant parties, and fight to win you the maximum amount of compensation possible for your injury accident.
Types of Accident Claims We Work on in Leicester
The types of claims that we deal with can vary hugely. Even if you don’t see a specific injury type to you, that doesn’t mean you can’t make a personal injury claim.
As a general rule of thumb though, the most common compensation cases that our Leicester personal injury solicitors ** deal with include, but are not limited to:
- Accident at Work Claims
- Accidents in Public
- Defective Products
- Asbestos & Mesothelioma
- Back, Head, Neck, & Spinal Injuries
- Construction Sites
- Car Accident Claims
- Clinical Negligence
- Cycling Accident Claims
- Equestrian Incidents
- Slips, trips, and falls
- Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
- Gym Accidents
- Hotel Accidents
- Industrial Injury, Industrial Disease & Industrial Deafness
- Injuries & Accidents in Shops
- Motorbike Accidents
- Pedestrian Accident Claims
- Whiplash Injuries
How We Work
If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then it can be quite a stressful time. You might have been signed off work, lost earnings, or require expensive medical treatment. It doesn’t take long for the bills to mount up. That’s where Accident Claims Leicester can help.
Our experts are perfectly placed to offer you the best guidance available, so you can be certain you are in good hands.
First off, call us now on our telephone number. You will be put through to an accident claims specialist at our UK call centre, who will ask you a few simple questions about your accident in Leicester. This can include questions such as:
- Where, and when, did the accident happen?
- Did you need any medical treatment?
- Were there any witnesses to the accident?
- Have you incurred expenses due to the accident?
- Have you had any time off work?
- What effects have your injuries had on your day-to-day life?
Based on that information, we should be able to very quickly ascertain if you have a case to answer and whether you can claim for compensation with a Leicester personal injury solicitor **. If we believe that you are, then in some cases we might be able to tell you how much compensation you are due.
Our commitment to our clients is to make sure that they are represented as best as possible and receive only the very best in legal help from our personal injury lawyers **.
During your appointment, our solicitors ** will take as much additional information from you as possible and work to ensure that you receive the best outcome as possible for your accident claim.
Contact Accident Claims Leicester
All of our lawyers ** work on a no win no fee * basis, meaning you don’t have any expensive legal fees to pay with their fees coming from any final compensation amount. This way, anyone who needs to make an accident claim in Leicester can gain access to the legal system. Call today on 0116 214 5630^.